College Adda

Zakir Naik should be arrested ???

Here are few statements of Zakir Naik, So These are enough to arrest him..

Naik says Islam is superior to all other faiths. Non-Muslims should not be allowed to have places of religious worship in an Islamic country.
Muslims have the right to have sex with their female slaves.
Sania Mirza should dress modestly while playing. No Indian politician would like to send his daughter to play beach volleyball even if it becomes an international sport.
Girls shouldn't be sent to schools where they lose their virginity by the time they pass out. Schools should be shut down. They should not be allowed to wear gold ornaments.
In the West, they are selling their daughters and mothers in the name of women's liberation.
Wife-beating in the Muslim world is not necessarily a bad thing. Naik says the use of condom during sex is akin to killing a human being.
Death by stoning or lapidation for having sex outside marriage is acceptable according to Sharia law.
Based on teachings of the Qur'an and Sunnah, Naik says homosexuals should be killed.
Suicide attacks advised by clerics is not bad. He refuses to condemn Osama bin Laden and claims that 9/11 was an inside job.

The Islamic scholar says Muslim should seek help only from Allah and no one else, not even the Prophet - a belief which supports the Sunni view. Islamic State has used this particular understanding to justify violence against Sufis, Shias and Ahmadis.
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